“It’s work Jim, but not as we know it.”
The future of work is undergoing a big shift. Technology replaces repetitive human tasks but also creates new jobs, new industries, and triggers new competitive advantages. The workforce becomes higher educated, more specialized, more autonomous, and more digitally equipped. The labor market itself becomes more flexible in order to cope with increasing market dynamics. And we face work-related societal risks and ethical dilemmas that may demand a new paradigm regarding the future of work.
We need to re-assess and re-script our work related assumptions. Work is changing rapidly and it will have a profound impact on all of our futures. When the shift continues from jobs to projects and functions to tasks, what are the implications for recruitment and human resource management? How do we get access to those who are the most talented and specialized? What about the rise of crowdworking? What about new work generations, robotization, social security, labor market tactics? The way people earn money is shifting. And your next strategy should benefit from it.
We explore what’s changing and why it matters. Projektor, our foresight monitor, identifies possible and probable trends and signals that shape the future of work. We make sense of upcoming changes and assess the impact it may have on your market, your organization, and current strategy.
Our foresight horizon scanning goes beyond extrapolations from the past. Actually, regarding work as a topic, we are quite skeptical about the predictive power of historic patterns and trends. We foresee the nature of work entering a new era. It’s like a metamorphosis; a paradigm shift. Therefore, work demands new mental models to cope with a new reality. Our core values, beliefs, biases and definitions of work, jobs, human resources and social security needs to be re-scripted.
We help you foresee and understand what’s next. How does the future of work impact your business? What are the opportunities and consequences triggered by the next wave of work? What undercurrents shape the system of work? And how to make sense of the forces and counterforces that are so typical for the trend dynamics?
Don’t wait. Anticipate.