
We help you identify strategic options that are future valid. Like a helping hand from the future.

Embracing uncertainty

Discontinuities, disruptions, and uncertainties create major, unforeseen challenges. When uncertainty and ambiguity rules, forecasts and more in-depth analysis consume precious time but won’t help.

However, thinking alternative futures, the art of strategic dialogue, an integral and open mindset, and embracing multiple visions are the key ingredients of an effective strategic journey.

Adequately dealing with uncertainty and ambivalence is the new frontier of leadership and strategy. Scenario thinking is the core pillar of dealing with uncertainty. It is a disciplined and inspiring way to stretch and debate the impact of future landscapes.

Strategic scenarios provide an effective mental framework to identify challenges and organize strategic dialogues. Thinking and experiencing possible and plausible scenarios prepare your organization to anticipate timely.


We unleash strategic options

Our strategic approach, Progressor, is all about challenging leaders and policymakers with progressive future scenarios. We facilitate strategic dialogues to identify and stretch perspectives beyond business as usual.

Rooted in solid horizon scanning, we apply tools and tactics like storytelling, system thinking, and visualization techniques to promote integral and forward-thinking among participants.

Our mission is to build better futures. We do so by engaging stakeholders in a multidisciplinary debate about your organization. We address the business challenges that lie ahead. Besides a boost of forward-directed energy, the result is the co-creation of a surprising variety of strategic options. Options that reap the benefits and competitive advantages that alternative futures have to offer.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with Bart Götte

Business futurist, psychologist & keynote speaker


M: +31 (0)6 486 115 16